Wright Moderates School Board Forum
Sonya Wright was pleased to moderate the Rutherford County School Board Candidate Forum. The televised event took place at the Rutherford County Courthouse on June 5, 2024 and provided an opportunity for the School Board Candidates for Zones 2 and 3 to share their views on relevant topics. The forum was co-sponsored by The League of Women Voters of Murfreesboro/Rutherford County, MTLAW, Delta Sigma Theta, and the Rutherford County Government Access Channel. Ms. Wright represented MTLAW at the forum along with other MTLAW members in attendance.
The sponsors encourage all eligible Rutherford County citizens to exercise their right to vote. The voter registration deadline is July 2. Early voting runs from July 12 through July 27 and election day is August 1.
To find a voting location or information for absentee ballots, visit the Rutherford County Election Commission at election.rutherfordcountytn.gov.